Attendance Policy/Tardy Policy

Attendance Policy

Regular school attendance and punctuality are essential to ensure your childā€™s academic success and maximize learning. By attending school consistently, students can fully engage with the curriculum and stay on top of their learning. Parent/Guardian support in fostering these habits will positively impact a child’s academic journey and overall growth. Letā€™s work together for your child’s success! 


If your child is absent, upon returning to school, he/she needs to bring a note from home within three days explaining the reason for the absence or send a note via email to On the subject line, place the date and attendance note. Example: 8/17/24 Attendance Note. Parents will be contacted to meet with the schoolā€™s Attendance Review Committee when a student is absent 5 or more days. Additionally, students that have excessive absences may be excluded from Extracurricular activities, Field Trips and/or End-of-Year Activities.


Arriving late disrupts the learning environment, hinders academic progress, and can lead to missed opportunities for understanding the content being taught.  Given that punctuality is a component of attendance, students with three or more tardies in one grading period may not be eligible to receive Perfect Attendance awards. Late students must receive a late pass prior to entering the classroom.